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 Accepted Papers - Working Session

Authors Title
Adauto Lucio Cardoso
Alexandre Yassu
Luciana Alencar Ximenes
Samuel Thomas Jaenisch
Disputes over the FGTS: Pressures over the use of public found in a context of institutional crisis
André Dal'bó da Costa The neoliberal production of space seen from different designs and speeches: the Vila Soma case.
Beatriz Tamaso Mioto
Carlos Penha
Economic crisis and real estate in Brazil: a perspective from the dynamics of the largest publicly traded companies (Cyrela, PDG, Gafisa and MRV).
Beatriz Tamaso Mioto
Carolina M. Pozzi de Castro
Letícia Moreira Sígolo
Recent dynamics of formal market housing provision in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo in continuity of global financial crisis
Carlos Alberto Penha Filho Real Estate Company Methods of Finance (2010-2017)
Carolina Heldt D’Almeida Urban Intervention Projects as dispositif of concession of the production of space in São Paulo
Caroline Gonçalves dos Santos
Flávio Antonio Miranda de Souza
Os atores na era da financeirização: a produção do espaço urbano contemporâneo em cidades pernambucanas.
Cesar Simoni Santos
Huana Carvalho
Manoel Rodrigues Alves
Financeirização, Empresariamento e Verticalização do Espaço Urbano
Débora Prado Zamboni From rural land to urban land: trajectory and characteristics of the recent history of urban production in Ribeirão Preto/SP
Denise Morado Nascimento
Daniel Medeiros de Freitas
Thais Mariano Nassif Salomão
The relational analysis methodology applied to Large Scale Urban Projects in the northern vector of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte and its results
Eduardo Pederneira The role of state-enterprise pension funds in the financialization of urban infrastructure in the city of Rio de Janeiro
Eugenia Winter Real estate valuation and influence on spaces – Germany, Spain and Mexico in a debate on accounting techniques
Fernanda Pinheiro da Silva Risk control: from Arco Tietê to the Urban Intervention Projects
Flávia Elaine da Silva Martins Levels and dimensions of housing alienation: indebtedness and contexts of expulsion
Gabriela Darini Guaritá The Value of Money in Time: Comparative Studies of the PMCMV – Faixa1
Glenda Dantas Ferreira The Minha Casa, Minha Vida Housing Program in the metropolitan region of Natal/RN: the role of realtors in the context of urban and metropolitan space production.
Glória Cecília dos Santos Figueiredo
João Pedro Noronha Ritter
Ana Clara Reis
Samir Santos da Conceição
Produção imobiliária da Cidade Salvador: condições, agentes, processos e nexos para a compreensão de transformações atuais da sociedade urbana
Gustavo Prieto
Joana Barros
“Há terra para financiar nesse verão”: the replacement of expropriation and violence in major economic development projects in Brazil and a critique of the financialization debate
Higor Rafael de Souza Carvalho. Housing in the circuits of reproduction of real estate and financial capitals in Latin America and Europe: the cases of Brazil, Mexico and France.
Isadora de Andrade Guerreiro The PMCMV-Entities and the adaptation of the popular movements to the form of financialized of the urban production
Ivo R. Gasic Klett Land grabbing in Santiago de Chile, 2010-2015. How banks and insurance companies are purchasing land for future capitalist real estate development
João Bosco Moura Tonucci Filho Limites à financeirização da terra urbana: especulações a partir da periferia
Juçara Spinelli
Rafael Kalinoski
Prodution and speculation of real estate throughout the reshaping of regional centers in South Brazil
Karen Saavedra Hernández
Marisol Brito Doerr
The consolidation of the housing subsidy as an instrument for the improvement of social housing: Consequences and limitations of the chilean case
Laercio Monteiro Análise das categorias da teoria da renda. Pressupostos para a análise do mercado imobiliário e do sistema financeiro.
Laisa Stroher Urban Partnership Operations with Cepac: financialization without financial investors?
Magaly Marques Pulhez Consultancies and management companies: from local urban policy to global circuits of financialization
Marlon Altavini de Abreu The new vectors of the financialization of the real estate sector from the securitized assets.
Nílcio Regueira Dias A financeirização do solo criado? Uma reflexão sobre as "adaptações" das operações urbanas consorciadas
Paula Freire Santoro
Débora Ungaretti
Pedro Henrique Rezende Mendonça
‘Unlock’ public land in financialization process: the case of São Paulo
Raquel Rolnik
Paula Santoro
Isabel Martin
Pedro Rezende
Vacant buildings as the territory for profits in São Paulo real state financial complex
Richard Lins
Leticia Vellozo
The capitalit urban growth machine and the dispute of scalar coherence of accumulation: a prospection of approaches to the brazilian case
Roberto Cabral Junior
Milton Esteves Junior
Giovanilton André Carretta Ferreira
Evelyn Machado dos Santos
From the industrial city to the financed one: Recent transformations in the production and management of the contemporary city. Case study of Aracruz-ES.
Rodrigo Dantas Bastos Absolute ground rent and real state speculation in Sao Paulo
Thiago Canettieri Debt, territory and the new urban development funding through financial market: The “PBH Ativos S/A” case in Belo Horizonte, Brazil